Equipment and Systems Installations
We are capable of installing a variety of components and upgrades available for all types of aircraft. Among other things, we're excited to share that we have received authorization from Peregrine and Texas Aerospace to sell and install the Curtiss Wright Fortress Recorder System, which is now required on certain Part 25 aircraft for flights into Mexico.
As the local specialty equipment installer at SRQ, we are also partnering with Peregrine to offer our customers a variety of STCs they have available to help improve your aircraft's performance, comfort and value.
Curtiss Wright Fortress Recorder System
The system installed by this Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) installs the CurtissWright Fortress combination Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) and a Cockpit Image Recorder (CIR), referred to as the Crash-Survivable Recording System (CSRS), on eligible Approved Model List (AML) airplanes.
The Fortress CVR functionality was evaluated for compliance with the applicable Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations. In addition to this functionality, the Fortress recording system provides flight deck video and acceleration data from newly installed sensors. The video is used to provide Cockpit Image Recorder (CIR) functionality of the Fortress recorder. The CIR functionality is intended to allow operators to demonstrate compliance to international standards or requirements such as, but not limited to: • International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), International Standards and Recommended Practices: Annex 6 to the Convention of International Civil Aviation, Part I – International Commercial Air Transport - Aeroplanes, Eleventh Edition Dated July 2018. • Official Mexican STANDARD NOM-022-SCT3-2011, which establishes the use of flight recorders installed on aircraft operating in Mexican airspace, as well as their characteristics.